Sunday, January 27, 2008

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

I have just begun a new book, "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" by Joanna Weaver and it is great! I think it is a book that would benefit most women, ecspecially when you feel like you have an endless to-do list. I read chapter 3 this morning which was about worrying, a perpetual habit of mine. Here are a few wonderful tidbits that I thought were worth writing down:

- When God tells us in the bible not to worry, it is a command not a suggestion! Worrying fixes our eyes on our situation, not our Savior!

- Worrying does not prevent bad things from happening, but it may prevent us from leading the full lives God intends us to live.

- A life filled with fear has little room left for faith.

- We need to discern what things we can do with God's help and what should be left entirely up to God.

- Any concern too small to be turned into prayer is too small to be made into a burden.

- Fretting magnifies the problem, but prayer magnifies God!

These things may have seemed obvious to you, and though they all seem logical to me I don't think I really knew them. You know what I mean? Like REALLY knew them and practiced them. I will try to remember these things and truly give to God all of my concerns! Afterall I don't want to be like Martha and run frantic, worrying about dinner when Jesus comes to visit, I want to be like Mary and present Jesus with the gift of availibility.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Huge Miracles, tiny packages

This past Friday, January 11th 2008 at 11:21pm EST I became an aunt! God brought a beautiful baby girl, Abigail Christine Moreland to this earth. Though I have only seen two pictures I know she is just beautiful and she will be a blessing to Adam and Becca and the rest of us.

Isn't God amazing? Children can bring so much joy and so many smiles but they also do so many things that frustrate and annoy. Think of everything you put your parents through, and now think of how much they love you! God is good because not only does he love us even more than that! But he loves so that parents can love their children and I know that Adam and Becca will be great parents and they love Abby so much!

PS: I also know that John and I will be a great Uncle and Aunt because we want to have a bunch of fun and sugar and then give her back to mom and dad! LOL!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Buenos Estas B*tch!

The post title is from John, he yelled it out when he was looking for Diego in the closet (he was jokingly suspicious because I came home early from work). Anyways, it has been a while since I have written, I can tell that I will really need to be specific and carve out time if I want to be a regular blogger. The problem is I am not sure what is worth sharing and what is just typing in vain you know? But I will share this, I was thinking about my corporate persona the other day and what exactly I want to stand for and represent. And I came up with an acronym! Hire Me!

Hardworking and honest

Encouraging and positive

So there you go a little insight into what I believe are some very important characteristics that I hope to imbody. Definetely had to try hard to stay mellow today as I was on the receiving end of some major attitude! You know you are a true HR person when someone yells at you for something that isn't your fault at all and you have to stay calm and then even go the second mile and go beyond your obligations to help them! HR is really like customer service only instead of customers its the company employees. HR people are also like the police, the government....hmmm what else??? I dunno I love my job!

Most of the time :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year, new me?

This is my first post despite the fact that I created my blog several weeks ago. The reason, is because I am a perfectionist. I understand that perfection is not something that I can actually attain. I really do understand that, but I still seem to hold myself to that standard. "I don't want anyone to see my blog until it is ready. And it isn't ready until it is just perfect!" For goodness sake I wanted to have a list of every song I want on my ipod in the order I want them before I load them up! Isn't that ridiculous!?!

The reason I am saying all of this is because it is something I am adding to the list of things I need to work on. I have known I am a perfectionist for some time now but I have never really realized that it is not a good thing. Even though I know that I am not perfect I still expect perfection from myself. Why? God knows that I am not perfect and He loves me as I am...without having done anything. Who am I to have higher standards than God? (Pride, old firend! How are you?)

I think that it is a good thing to do your best and to use the gifts and talents that God has given you, but we need to keep perspective. If I continue to strive towards perfection, if I continue to act as if it is possible for me to achieve, am I robbing God of the glory He is due?

I don't mean to say that we shouldn't do all we can but we shouldn't lie about who we are. It is one thing when someone is such a great person (or at least that is how they seem) and they do great things. That is great but don't we expect that from them? How much better a witness is it to say I am _____ (prideful, a liar, etc. etc.) but God loves me and I do this for Him!"

I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else, but there you have it. And now I will post without editing for clarity!